Ekonomski fakultet
Fakultet sa tradicijom
Univerzitet u Nisu

Research Center

As of 19 February 2010, students of doctoral academic studies will have at their disposal the Research Center established to support research work necessary for their studies.

Through the Research Center, students are provided with a free on-line access to the extensive collection of world scientific journals and other publications in the KoBSON database. Currently, KoBSON offers its users the possibility to access the databases that include over 35. 000 full text journals and over 40.000 e-books as well as to search several index databases in all scientific fields.

Doctoral students also have at their disposal the library collection of the Faculty of Economics in Niš.

The Center is based within the Loan Department of the Faculty Library. The Center will be open during the working hours of the Library (Monday to Friday, from 7.30 a.m. to 7.00 p.m.; Saturday, from 8.00 a.m. to 1.00 p.m.).

We wish you much success in your academic research work!

Istrazivacki centar

Student's Unions

Univerziteta u Nišu

Trg kralja Aleksandra
Ujedinitelja 11
18105 Niš, Srbija

PIB: 100667088
Registration No: 07174705
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