Ekonomski fakultet
Fakultet sa tradicijom
Univerzitet u Nisu

Information system

racunarski centarThe Faculty of Economics in Nis is fully equipped with information equipment, personal computers as well as information network that is linked to the Information System of the University. The faculty has two computer rooms (one with 40 computers, other with 24) equipped to meet students' needs.

racunarski centarThese facilities are used for lectures in informatics, but can also be used for individual work. At students' request, the faculty issues the internationally recognized certificate in computer skills better known by its abbreviation ECDL. The Faculty of Economics has a licence for issuing the Certificate. It should be emphasized that lectures in informatics are conceived to fully provide students with the knowledge necessary for acquiring the Certificate.


Student's Unions

Univerziteta u Nišu

Trg kralja Aleksandra
Ujedinitelja 11
18105 Niš, Srbija

PIB: 100667088
Registration No: 07174705
Gyro account: